
Thursday, October 13, 2011

The deed is almost done!

I have a sore throat and headache, aarrrgggghhhhh!

Last night was our monthly quilting guild meeting.  I have been the librarian for 2 years now and that has been long enough.  I have had 22 to 26 boxes of library books at my house this year under my quilting frame and in a closet.  Last June I was instructed to glean the books and I sold 100 of our oldest ones.  Now we are down to a mere 350.  The purging helped, but it was still overwhelming for one person.

So, today I checked my boxes to make sure they were alphabetized and made sure they corresponded with my database.  Thank heaven for Excel!  All is good!  The books still “out” match the database as well as the card file.  I am DONE!  {whew} 

The library is inventoried and ready for the new librarians!


Now, I just need to get them out of my house!  (This is only a portion of them, of course.  It looked worse when I was in the middle of it with ALL the books and my laptop, grin.)

I wish you the best, new librarians!  Happy 2012 - 2013!


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