
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quilting Machine for sale! I’ve had it!

It’s over!  I’m done quilting and piecing!  Done!

Regulated Handiquilter 16 with Professional table and all (loads of) accessories* for a GREAT price!

Priced to m-o-v-e quickly! 

Will deliver within a reasonable distance!

* Includes micro-handles, Edgerider Wheels, ruler base and tons of templates…


April Fools Day!  Did I get you??? 

(It’s going to be a long day around here with my family!  Keep your eyes peeled, just sayin’, ‘cause I hear this isn’t the end of it!)

Robbie Marie

1 comment:

  1. You got me! I was just shocked until I scrolled down. Good one chickie!


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